Microsoft also is working with PC manufactures to introduce Windows Vista Premium Ready PCs. Windows Vista Capable PCs can earn the Premium Ready designation by meeting or exceeding the requirements outlined below. A Premium Ready designation ensures that the PC will deliver even better Windows Vista experiences, including Windows Aero™, a new user experience designed to deliver a productive, high-performing desktop interface. Microsoft recommends that customers seeking the best experiences with Windows Vista ask for PCs that are Premium Ready or choose PCs that meet or exceed the Premium Ready requirements.
“Dell is focused on designing systems today that will enhance the effectiveness of the features of Microsoft® Windows Vista tomorrow,” said John Medica, senior vice president of the Product Group at Dell. “We are working closely with Microsoft to ensure the best user experience on currently shipping performance desktops, workstations and notebooks, and customers can be confident that their high-performance Dell configuration can make the most of the next-generation capabilities of Microsoft Windows Vista.” “Gateway PCs are optimized to take advantage of the increased usability, reliability, security and functionality that will be available with Windows Vista,” said Greg Memo, senior vice president of Products, Marketing and Web at Gateway. “The vast majority of our consumer and business PCs are already Windows Vista Capable and many are Premium Ready, ensuring that they will seamlessly run Windows Vista when it becomes available.”
“Windows Vista will create a more dynamic computing environment for both corporate and small-business users, and customers need to know that they can buy a system today fully capable of running Windows Vista when it becomes available,” said Philippe Davy, vice president of Strategic Alliances at Lenovo. “Lenovo is working closely with Microsoft to ensure that we deliver a powerful, innovative PC experience. Windows Vista Capable PCs and Premium Ready PCs from Lenovo will help provide customers that peace of mind.”
“Microsoft and Toshiba are working closely together to ensure our notebook customers worldwide are aware of the dramatically enhanced computing experience Vista will offer,” said Hisatsugu Nonaka, Toshiba corporate senior vice president and president and CEO, Toshiba PC and Network Company. “We want our customers to choose a Toshiba notebook computer that is Windows Vista Capable or Windows Vista Premium Ready so they are prepared for this exciting new operating system.”
En wie behalve MS worden er op het matje geroepen ???
En BBCS lees maar de minimum vereisten van vista na :
Windows Aero requires the following:
DirectX 9-class graphics processor that supports the following:
Pixel Shader 2.0 in hardware
32 bits per pixel
Adequate graphics memory
64 MB of graphics memory to support a single monitor less than 1,310,720 pixels
128 MB of graphics memory to support a single monitor at resolutions from 1,310,720 to 2,304,000 pixels
256 MB of graphics memory to support a single monitor at resolutions higher than 2,304,000 pixels
Meets graphics memory bandwidth requirements, as assessed by Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor running on Windows XP
3 A DVD-ROM can be external (not integral or built into the system)