Nog even in detail..., Arend...:
3. in 2006 66 werkdagen vrij en dus 9 keer op vakantie! Dit jaar al 6 keer geweest!!
Ik zou BIJNA denken dat je een succesvol Distributeurschap met een mlmbedrijf hebt gebouwd...!:lol:
4. dit jaar een verwachte omzetplus van 20% in een redelijk stagnerende markt!! 1e kwartaal 22,8%
Fantastisch. Gefeliciteerd!! (Nu je familie en vrienden helpen met hetzelfde te bereiken... of vind je het wel fijn om wat bóven ze te staan op de maatschappelijke ladder??:oops: )
5. succesvol in onroerend goed de laatste 15 jaar!!
Waanzinnig! Grandioos!! (Nu je familie en vrienden helpen met hetzelfde te bereiken... of vind je het wel fijn om wat bóven ze te staan op de maatschappelijke ladder??:oops: )
6. een kleine maar zeer actieve en sociale vriendenkring!
Heel goed dat je dat vindt....
Denken ZIJ hetzelfde over jou?? Dat is ff wat belangrijker, toch??
en last but not least!! ALLES bereikt ZONDER een of ander DEBIEL MLM systeem!!
Ja, ja..., Arend..., dus jij vindt mensen zoals Covey, Warren Buffett, Blair, Trump... maar stumpers???
In mlm wordt je door een goede upline geleerd niemand losers te noemen....
Dit is wat één van de eerste oprichters van een mlmbedrijf er over denkt:
I hear that very often. “There’s winners and losers. Are you a winner? Are you a loser?” Almost insulting people who don’t sign up. You even got bad terminology. “We’re the winners. Over here are the losers in life.” They’re not losers. They may have a richer, fuller life than those of you that got fancy cars and new clothes or big rings have got. You know, they — Life is not geared by materialism. You do not decide who’s a winner or a loser. There’s too — Life is too complicated for that. We must make sure we always speak of everybody being a winner, even though they may have different goals. My plea here is that when you have a program, you make sure you have people on there who are making $100.00 and thrilled with it, as well as those who make more. Present it as a plan so that everybody can realize their goal, whatever it is
You know, when you became a Direct, we offered you a chance to be free and independent; and then I read your mail, and I find out you’ve lost your freedom. And all we want to do is give it back to you, to be as big or as small (in this business) as you want to, to make as much or as little as you like in the (Marketing) Plan by working it, and to go to whichever meetings you want to, and to feel comfortable to stay home if you don’t want to, without being branded a loser. Winners go to the meetings; losers stay home. Would you help me get rid of such terminology?
There are no losers in (this business). There are people who choose not to do it; but who are you to tell some teacher that chooses to spend the rest of his life as a dedicated teacher that he’s a loser? Who are you to tell a truck driver that chooses to spend more of his time doing things other than (this business), and maybe just drivin’ his truck, that he’s a loser? Whoever gave you a license to brand people? This business was designed to make everybody a winner, to do as much or as little as they wanted to; and if they chose to do nothing, to make them feel better for having had the experience. We only have winners in this business; and then we have some other winners who choose not to do the business. They just might be bigger winners in life than some of you that have branded them losers. I stand in awe of all people, and I hope you do, too.
En we mochten willen dat iedereen..., óók de intens gemene, stiekeme tegenstanders van mlm... zo'n mentaliteit zou hebben...!
Om je dag wat op te vrolijken hier een leuke link...... ... 4106045964