Er zijn 5 resultaten gevonden

door SoB_Meubelconcurrent
27 aug 2011 17:25
Forum: Meubels
Onderwerp: (why delete post?) CHEATER MEUBELCONCURRENT Eindhoven
Reacties: 17
Weergaves: 2837

Re: (why delete post?) CHEATER MEUBELCONCURRENT Eindhoven

Leo The Emperor schreef:Waarom vertel je niet wat er bij het 1e en het 2e gesprek is gebeurd.
who told you i did not? :)
sephora30 schreef:dus wat mij betreft !!!
one does think a lot about oneself, doesnt one?
door SoB_Meubelconcurrent
27 aug 2011 12:36
Forum: Meubels
Onderwerp: (why delete post?) CHEATER MEUBELCONCURRENT Eindhoven
Reacties: 17
Weergaves: 2837

Re: (why delete post?) CHEATER MEUBELCONCURRENT Eindhoven

cheers for reaction. interesting point: misunderstanding. (why i have n't heard that before) just one thought: who will buy a SET coffeetable with 5 dinning chairs? (esp. even coffeetable Demo was no-where around). let's keep the table topic aside. How does pushing customer from stairs and yell eas...
door SoB_Meubelconcurrent
26 aug 2011 16:56
Forum: Meubels
Onderwerp: (why delete post?) CHEATER MEUBELCONCURRENT Eindhoven
Reacties: 17
Weergaves: 2837

Re: (why delete post?) CHEATER MEUBELCONCURRENT Eindhoven

story tells itself

*perhaps "believe it or not, puzzle or shout, yelling or pushing, 4,5,6,8".... perception matters a lot, civilization and education are definitely missing out in the cave---- this, is not to stop the liar's lie. just to let more people be aware.
door SoB_Meubelconcurrent
25 aug 2011 18:39
Forum: Meubels
Onderwerp: (why delete post?) CHEATER MEUBELCONCURRENT Eindhoven
Reacties: 17
Weergaves: 2837

Re: (why delete post?) CHEATER MEUBELCONCURRENT Eindhoven

(oh dear didnt aware such boundary 'schreeuwen'. another word to learn. cheers.) there we go. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheater MEUBELCONCURRENT ---- or Concurrent Cheating Meubel Eindhoven 5613DH Kanaaldijk Noord 5A. Let’s say this is my worst 1300euro ever spent. 2 things happened, (a) Cheating in Sales Aggr...
door SoB_Meubelconcurrent
24 aug 2011 21:44
Forum: Meubels
Onderwerp: Meubelconcurrent Eindhoven
Reacties: 26
Weergaves: 22164

Re: Meubelconcurrent Eindhoven

Dit bericht is verwijderd door de moderator i.v.m. het overtreden van de gedragsregels.

Het veelvuldig of overdreven gebruik van meerdere hoofdletters (het zogenoemde 'schreeuwen') is niet toegestaan, evenals het overdreven gebruik van vet, cursief en smileys.