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Heb je bepaalde ervaringen met een energiebedrijf? Deel hier jouw mening.
Berichten: 11
Lid geworden op: 05 aug 2009 20:11


Ongelezen bericht door Kawakaze »

I apologise for writing this in English.

We had a contact with NUON 2 years ago. By mistake they sent us 3 different eindrekenings. 2 for roughly the same amount and one for money back.

We telephoned them, to find out which rekening to pay. We paid the one they told us to.Two tears later we get a letter from ULTIMOO Incasso bureau. For another bill plus 2 years of costs.

We have asked for proof we owe the money, NUON say they arent handling this anymore. ULTIMOO just send rekenings with no speciifications at all. The amount and thats it. They wont even tell us how much is costs, how much is interest etc.

ULTIMOO (like all Incasso bureaus!) send letters that always start 'WE HAVE NOT HEARD FROM YOU' even though i have now sent 2 emails and 1 contactformulier from their OWN website. Is this a trick of some type? Maybe to make you look bad in court?

So, we paid what they asked for 2 years ago. They wont send any proof, and they just demand the full amount (composition unknown!). I am boycotting the payment, until I get some proof. Surely they must prove I owe this.

I have all the letters and rekenings from Nuon, I am not responsible for any costs, they didnt ask for it, I didnt pay it, logical? I would ideally like to see the meter readings and work it out for myself, but they both, NUON and ULTIMOO, are not interested in any communication.

As always, I hate these PARASITIC INCASSO BUREAUS and STRONG ARM TACTICS OF NUON. Any method of a prosecution is always welcome. The thought of some snob riding a Mercedes by ripping people like me off, makes my blood boil!

Any thoughts on this?

Berichten: 3574
Lid geworden op: 03 mar 2009 15:37


Ongelezen bericht door VioletPrue »

Send the incassobureau an 'aangetekende brief' with proof that you have already paid.
Doing things via e mail and contactformulieren is always tricky, because you can't proove that you sent them.
With an 'aangetekende brief' you can always proove that the incassobureau got your letter.
Good luck!

Vattenfall Webcare
Berichten: 356
Lid geworden op: 28 mei 2008 10:49


Ongelezen bericht door Vattenfall Webcare »

Dear Kawakaze,

In your post you ask whether it is correct that you are being charged for something that you paid for already.

If you wish, I would gladly discuss this matter with you by telephone. Would you be so kind as to give me your contract number (“contractrekeningnummer”)? This enables me to find your telephone number and customer account in our administration.

Your contract number starts with (000)300 and can be found on your monthly invoices or on the annual bill. I assure you that no-one can get to your personal details or do anything with this contract number except Nuon. We advise not to post your client number online.

With kind regards,

The Nuon employee

Berichten: 11
Lid geworden op: 05 aug 2009 20:11


Ongelezen bericht door Kawakaze »

De Nuon Medewerker schreef:Dear Kawakaze,

In your post you ask whether it is correct that you are being charged for something that you paid for already.

If you wish, I would gladly discuss this matter with you by telephone. Would you be so kind as to give me your contract number (“contractrekeningnummer”)? This enables me to find your telephone number and customer account in our administration.

Your contract number starts with (000)300 and can be found on your monthly invoices or on the annual bill. I assure you that no-one can get to your personal details or do anything with this contract number except Nuon. We advise not to post your client number online.

With kind regards,

The Nuon employee
How kind of you to offer to discuss this by telephone. Maybe because its posted on a public forum? You want to make yourselves look good. You certainly have a different tone when im talking in private with you, your choice of incasso bureau speaks volumes about your tactics.

I have never seen such incompetant administration, with the exception of NEM. You tried to charge us a 800eur voorshot when we first switched to you. You can't even handle the simple task of replying to post, email or teephone, unless you think people are watching.

tekst Verwijderd door moderator

I dont normally gloat, interesting how you never followed your threats to take me to court. Its because you knew you would lose. If you spent as much effort working as you did trying to scare me, you might actually get something done

Berichten: 2479
Lid geworden op: 17 jan 2007 11:02


Ongelezen bericht door Shine »

I hope this crisis ruins you all and you and your families are sleeping under bridges very soon, you worthless, lying, devious, sneaky, heartless scumbags should be lined up along a wall and shot in the stomach. Without the inconvenience of a conscience im sure you sleep soundly.
You are way out of line with this piece of commentary.
I will report this to the admin of this forum.
It is unacceptable

Berichten: 11
Lid geworden op: 05 aug 2009 20:11


Ongelezen bericht door Kawakaze »

Shine schreef:
I hope this crisis ruins you all and you and your families are sleeping under bridges very soon, you worthless, lying, devious, sneaky, heartless scumbags should be lined up along a wall and shot in the stomach. Without the inconvenience of a conscience im sure you sleep soundly.
You are way out of line with this piece of commentary.
I will report this to the admin of this forum.
It is unacceptable
So you think its ok for people to get thrown out of their homes by corrupt banks? Go hungry because of corrupt energy companies? I bet you there are hundreds of thousands people (innocent children included?!?!) worldwide who have lost their homes and along with them go their wives, and children to the poor house, in some cases normal hard working citizens loose their children to the social services because of criminals such as NEM.

Maybe getting shot in the stomach is a little over the top, but as far as the rest goes I stand by my comments. NEM management need a little of their own treatment. They only see dollar signs in their eyes, no regard for anything else. It is not fair, it is criminal. In my opinion this is more harmful to society than someone who would actually shoot someone.

Im just a normal working guy with a family, who works hard for a little money to keep us warm, dry and fed. I respect your objection to my post, and you have every right to report it to the admins. When I think of all the stress, time and money NEM has cost me when all I am guilty of is paying my bills on time as per the contract . . . Maybe you can understand why am so angry.

Incidentally, after being treated the way we were, and seeing the nerve of Nuon to post this offer of help. I lost my temper a little bit. So I sincerely apologise to Shine and anyone who may have been upset by these comments, I believe in principle I am correct to be angry. However I have no right to act like this on a public forum. :oops:

Berichten: 2479
Lid geworden op: 17 jan 2007 11:02


Ongelezen bericht door Shine »

Write your contractnumber and let the nuon medewerker contact you. THis is a special department who have more insights and can do more for you.
Otherwise, contact again Nuon and give them clearly to understand you have a 'klacht'. Then you will get transered to also a special department (klachten) who can do much more for you.

Berichten: 1
Lid geworden op: 08 apr 2010 21:02


Ongelezen bericht door JeanP161 »

Heden 8-4-2010 was ik aan de beurt. Ultimoo in opdracht van Nuon, nadat een ander incasso bureau in 2006 van een koude kermis was thuisgekomen. Nuon zit fout, heeft dit ook toegegeven, maar desondanks proberen ze het 4 jaar later weer. Hierbij gaat Ultimoo rücksichtslos te werk en knoopt er nog even 200 euro aan vast zijnde kosten. Ultimoo, de naam zegt het al ?, Het ultieme incasso bureau voor alle zaken die eerder niet lukten. Schandalige praktijken van beide bedrijven. En dat heeft een keurmerk?
