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Re: Onur Air

Geplaatst: 09 mar 2007 17:20
door Henri42
Bedankt voor jouw instemming.

Hoe komt het nu dat Onur bij de top 5 van goede charters zit ?

Re: Onur Air

Geplaatst: 09 mar 2007 22:56
door kuiffie
8 keer met Onur Air gevlogen , lekker eten , goede service , beenruimte net als alle andere , dus beperkt .
Ik heb totaal geen klachten over Onur Air , ik vind ze stukken beter dan Transavia , ook al omdat de vliegtuigen van Onur moderner zijn dan die van Transavia .
Onur vliegt hoofdzakelijk met Airbus en Transavia met de veel oudere 737 .

Re: Onur Air

Geplaatst: 10 mar 2007 17:10
door G7
Ach nouja. Gelukkig kunnen we tegenwoordig bij de meeste gerenomeerde touroperators kiezen met welke maatschappij je wil/kan vliegen.

En daar maken velen gebruik van, is mijn ervaring. :D 8)

Re: Onur Air

Geplaatst: 10 mar 2007 17:15
door G7
Bedankt voor jouw instemming.
Graag gedaan hoor Henri of hoe je ook mag heten. Je weet toch, ik sta je altijd bij. :wink:

Re: Onur Air

Geplaatst: 10 mar 2007 17:18
door Henri42
Ik wardeer jouw inbreng van harte, G7 doet me ergens anders aan denken, hier kom ik nog opm terug

Re: Onur Air

Geplaatst: 10 mar 2007 17:50
door G7
G7 doet me ergens anders aan denken, hier kom ik nog opm terug
Nou, ik ben benieuwd. Je maakt me nu wel heel erg nieuwsgierig. :lol:

Ga jezelf trouwens dit jaar nog naar de camping in Brabant? 8) :wink:

Re: Onur Air

Geplaatst: 11 mar 2007 10:12
door Henri42
Nee, ik zou niet weten welke?, ik kom net van een Camping in Heumen terug. Welke camping bedoel je ?,Ik kom wel ens op Brabantse en Limburgse campings voor de zwemparadijzen.

Re: Onur Air

Geplaatst: 11 mar 2007 22:41
door bot321
G7 doet me ergens anders aan denken, hier kom ik nog opm terug
Nou, ik ben benieuwd. Je maakt me nu wel heel erg nieuwsgierig.
G7 toch.heeft toch te maken met de
7 rijkste landen. :shock:

Re: Onur Air

Geplaatst: 28 aug 2008 19:12
door john cuypers
Onderstaand brief plaats ik op het forum omdat ik van Onur Air geen reactie op mijn klacht heb ontvangen:

Dear Sir/Madam:

I would like to file an official complaint about the above referenced flight from Antalya (Turkey) to Amsterdam (Netherlands) with a stop-over in Ankara (Turkey).

The scheduled departure time in Antalya was 15:35 and passengers were directed to the gate after check in and well before time of departure. The gate, however, remained unmanned and estimated departure time was adjusted frequently. It was impossible to get in contact with a spokesperson of Onur Air. At approximately 18:00 we were informed that the plane was at the airport of Antalya, but no further information was provided and we were escorted out of the gate area and we were offered the obligatory complimentary (standard) meal at Burger King (located in the customs area of the airport). No alternatives were offered for infants and small children or vegetarian passengers by Onur Air. Only after a long discussion with Burger King staff we were able to obtain an alternative meal for the vegetarian passengers, but no alternative for the infant and child traveling with me.

Whilst out of the gate area, we tried again to contact an Onur Air senior representative using the information telephone available in the terminal area of the airport, but the phone was not answered by Onur Air. When affronting another Onur Air employee in the terminal area with the delay of flight with the statement that they kept dangling the passengers and were not telling the truth, ten response was “that might be right”.

As the departure time and gate information on the display screens in the terminal area indicated that boarding would be shortly, we returned to the gate. Departure time was adjusted frequently again and the flight was even removed from the display screen at the gate. After some time, revised estimated departure times were displayed again, but the rumor that there was a problem with one of the engines as well as a defect of the brake system started and again but this could neither be confirmed by Onur Air personnel present in the gate area.

At approximately 22:30 boarding of flight OHY601 was made and boarding could start. During boarding, cockpit crew and technical staff continued testing of one of the engines and very frequently came on board and went off again.

No explanation or apology was given for the delay by the purser or captain of the flight at or after departure.

Arrival in Ankara was at approximately 23:45 to take additional passengers on board. After some time technical staff and cockpit crew started testing one of the engines and boarding of passengers was delayed. Testing of the engine continued until the aircraft was pulled away form the gate.

Boarding started slowly and while boarding was not completed, the purser announced “all passengers on board” and continued to announce so while passengers continued to board. Suddenly the purser announced that we had to wait for unloading of luggage of four passengers that had not boarded. This last announcement resulted in escalation of the tension already present amongst the passengers and some of them started to abandon the plane, and at least one passenger started to smoke in the cabin. Cabin crew did not react to the situation at all, while even more passengers moved towards the exit door and lit up cigarettes.

At that point I went to the pursers and ordered her to take control. The reaction of the cabin crew was to direct the smokers outside the plane where (as the purser explained to me) “it was no longer the responsibility of the cabin crew”. In very explicit terms I made it clear to the purser that this was irresponsible behavior and airport security should be notified immediately in order to protect the safety of the passengers and to prevent a mutiny amongst the passengers. Airport security then arrived(4-6 members) but they were unable to take control and requested assistance from the police. The police (4-6 officers) eventually was able to calm down the crowd that had assembled in the gate trunk. Then the announcement was made that the luggage (of the four passengers?) was found.

While testing of the engine continued, some passengers refused to return on board, because they were not confident about the safety of the plane and testing of the engine was still going on and technicians went on and off the aircraft.

I explained that if they refused to come on board, that would result in an even longer delay for the other passengers and eventually they came on board. I must admit that I was not confident either of the safety of the equipment either. After the technical staff had left, the flight could be continued at approximately 2:30.

Again, no explanation or apology was given for the delay by the purser or captain of the flight after continuation of the flight.

Cabin crew was so insecure that when a comment made by my wife when they started serving drinks if they were not ashamed to let passengers pay for the drinks after what they had gone through (the delay and most of all, the air-conditioning system had been switched of most of the time when we were on the ground in Ankara), they discontinued service and pulled their cards in to the galley. Also blankets and pillows, that were said to bring on board during the stop in Ankara, were never provided.

In an earlier attempt to contact Onur Air (Dutch branch) by phone, the call was not answered.

As minimum I expect an apology by Onur Air for the following shortcomings during this flight and steps Onur Air will take to prevent recurring situations:
- The unprofessionalism of the cabin crew on flight OHY601 on 23.08.2008.
- The inaccessibility of Onur Air both at the airport in Antalya (through the information number) and their branch in Amsterdam, the Nehterlands.
- The lack of (truthful) communication about the delay.

Times and numbers are approximations, as this did not seem appropriate in the beginning, and at the airport of Ankara, I was too involved to document them.

This letter is on behalf of me and family traveling with me: 6 adults, 1 infant and 1 baby

Best regards,

John H.M. Cuypers

A copy of my complaint is also sent to:
- the Dutch Inspectie Verkeer en Waterstaat
- the Turkish Air Transport Department (by fax)

Re: Onur Air

Geplaatst: 28 aug 2008 21:08
door rene117
vlucht ohy 601 vliegt aleen op rotterdam en niet naar schiphol

Re: Onur Air

Geplaatst: 29 aug 2008 09:29
door NewDutchie
Informatie van Scramble:

OHY -> arrived 05:00A TC-ONT iso 20:45 yesterday

Hoewel er geen vluchtnummer bij staat komen de tijden wel overeen. Tevens wordt er regelmatig geswitched met NL luchthavens door de Trukse carriers.

Re: Onur Air

Geplaatst: 29 aug 2008 14:24
door hharteman
He, het topic leeft weer.
Toch een jaar geen negatief gehoord van Onur.