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[ archief ] Onur Air

Goede of slechte ervaringen met reisbureaus / touroperators en vliegmaatschappijen? Geef hier jouw mening.

Re: Onur Air

Ongelezen bericht door Gast »

Alle maatschappijen hebben problemen. Maar het gaat erom hoe ze deze proberen te voorkomen (preventief onderhoud) en wat ze doen om dingen op te lossen.
De meeste gerenomeerde maatschappijen scoren een 8. Een 10 zal praktisch en financieel onmogelijk zijn (dat zou vliegen veel te duur maken).
Er zijn echter ook maatschappijen die, uit kostenbesparing, op de rand van het toelaatbare gaan zitten, zoals Onur Air. Dan hoeft er maar een paar keer wat te gebeuren om door de benedengrens heen te zakken.

Bedenk ook dat Onur met gigantisch oude bakken vliegt. Hoe ouder, hoe meer onderhoud nodig is, net als met een auto. Ergens ligt het kantelpunt, waarbij het onderhoud duurder wordt als de aanschaf van nieuw(er) materiaal. Bijna geen enkele maatschappij vliegt nog met zulke oude bakken, omdat de kosten voor het veilig in de lucht houden te hoog worden. Wil je de lage prijzen handhaven, dan moet je wel gaan bezuinigen op onderhoud. De gevolgen hiervan kan je redelijk vaak zien in programma's als Air Crash Investigation.


Re: Onur Air

Ongelezen bericht door Gast »

ook u kunt de slechte reputatie van onur niet veranderen, hoe graag u dit mischien wel zou willen


Re: Onur Air

Ongelezen bericht door Gast »

Ik heb ook niet gezegd dat ikdat kan.Maar geduld is een schone zaak.
Het moet zich zelf gaan bewijzen op een goed moment.En daar mag ik op hopen en doe dat ook. :D


Re: Onur Air

Ongelezen bericht door Gast »

Ik hoop ook dat Onur zijn best gaat doen om van zijn slechte reputatie af te komen.
Kunnen we weer veilig goedkoop (of ietsjes duurder) vliegen


Re: Onur Air

Ongelezen bericht door Gast »

volgens mij moet onur wel iets veranderen omdat ze nu over al onder een extreme vorm van verscherpt toezicht. Niet alleen bij de inspectie diensten maar ook door de media en de passagiers. Als ze nu niets doen hangen ze zeker.


Re: Onur Air

Ongelezen bericht door Gast »

aan teller eigenlijk zitten we al aan 75 rekening hoedend met alle andere forms die eigenlijk rechtstreeks of onrechtstreeks met onur iets te maken hebben.
wie wil vliegen met onur air
Hoe is het gesteld met Fly Air


Re: Onur Air

Ongelezen bericht door Gast »

Daar hoort men weinig tot niets over.Maar even goed vliegd die ook nog volledig.Dus zou ik zeggen geen bericht is goed bericht.


Re: Onur Air

Ongelezen bericht door Gast »

Met oad gaat het goed
Met fly air is het ook prima.
En Onur air is ook weer mensen aan het vervoeren zodat het een beetje tot rust kan komen in de reis wereld.Dus heel mensen kunnen op vakantie.Dat is weer een winst punt. To in the air folks :!: :lol: :arrow:


Re: Onur Air

Ongelezen bericht door Gast »

Zolang Onur air zelf nog voor publiciteit zorgt, zoals brieven naar de EU zal er weinig rust komen. :twisted: :twisted:


Re: Onur Air

Ongelezen bericht door Gast »

gast van 19.53,
Dat heb je goed gezien. Ik zal zeer zeker niet met onur gaan vliegen. 3 uur stressen naar turkey in een toestel dat onder verscherpt toezicht staat laat ik aan anderen over. Liever een vlucht zonder stress


Re: Onur Air

Ongelezen bericht door harryd »

ik ben blij :o
dat onur weer mag vliegen
nu ga ik mooi een reis boeken voor 2 weken (turkije)
en ik zit in onur veiliger dan in de auto,fiets,trein etc etc
dus...hoedoe tabee
gr harryd


Re: Onur Air

Ongelezen bericht door Gast »

Ik zou zeggen neem er nog eentje want het is warm.En Onur vliegt je naar Turkije met een monitor en reddingsvest. en de hele inhoud !


Re: Onur Air

Ongelezen bericht door harryd »

bla bla
heb 6 x met onur gevlogen en...niet 1 keer gecrasd
sterker nog ..ik leef nog
maar jij ben wel vaker verongelukt met onur air
gezien je reactie
naja heb geboekt en mocht mij en mijn vrouw wat overkomen met onur....
de nabestaanden zitten er dan warmpie,s bij


Re: Onur Air

Ongelezen bericht door Gast »

oh gelukkig dan maar! 8) Leuk filmpje op van: Ja zuster nee zuster ofzo en mijn vlucht is weer goed. :D


Re: Onur Air

Ongelezen bericht door posi »

Zo is dat Harry. Hebben ze hier mooi wat te verdelen. Lig ik dan niet meer wakker van!

Ik laat me ook niet gek maken hoor! Wij stappen met een gerust hart in een vliegtuig van Onur Air.


Re: Onur Air

Ongelezen bericht door Gast »

Hoe zit nu met dat kortgeding waar de advocaat van onur mee schermde?


Re: Onur Air

Ongelezen bericht door Gast »

EU plans to coordinate airline safety actions

The Associated Press

FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2005

BRUSSELS The European Union said Thursday that it would propose an emergency coordination procedure for airline safety so that European governments would not take unilateral action against airlines.

The proposal came after the Netherlands imposed a one-month ban on the Turkish charter airline Onur Air two weeks ago because of safety concerns, prompting similar bans at Swiss, French and German airports.

The countries agreed in principle to lift their bans on Tuesday after Onur Air said it would submit to additional safety inspections.

"We are going to set up an early warning system," Stefaan De Rynck, the spokesman for the EU transport commissioner, Jacques Barrot, said after a meeting of aviation experts from the EU's 25 member states.

In the future, "action should be taken in a coordinated way," De Rynck added.

The European Commission also wants EU members to give it the power to impose flight suspensions and bans throughout the Union. The member states have rejected such a move in the past.

Barrot said the EU had to be able to act in an organized way when banning flights.

"Europe cannot tolerate a badly coordinated approach among member states where a company is prohibited in one country and authorized in a neighboring country," he said.

The original decision by the Netherlands to ban Onur Air left thousands of Dutch vacationers stranded in Turkey and others casting about for alternative arrangements.

The unilateral actions caused confusion among air passengers as flights were directed to neighboring countries where the airline is still allowed to operate, such as Belgium.

Onur Air is primarily a budget domestic airline in Turkey, but it is also chartered to carry some of the millions of Europeans who vacation in Turkey during the summer.

To avoid future disruptions, all EU countries should step up inspections of Onur Air flights, the Commission said.

Members of the EU are moving toward stricter controls for foreign airlines that operate in their countries.

Last February the Commission disclosed plans to create a blacklist to publish the names of airlines that are banned by any EU member country.

The blacklist plan came after the crash of an Egyptian Flash Airlines jet into the Red Sea in 2004 that killed 148 people, mostly French tourists. The airline had been banned by Switzerland, which is not an EU member but works closely with the bloc.

BRUSSELS The European Union said Thursday that it would propose an emergency coordination procedure for airline safety so that European governments would not take unilateral action against airlines.

The proposal came after the Netherlands imposed a one-month ban on the Turkish charter airline Onur Air two weeks ago because of safety concerns, prompting similar bans at Swiss, French and German airports.

The countries agreed in principle to lift their bans on Tuesday after Onur Air said it would submit to additional safety inspections.

"We are going to set up an early warning system," Stefaan De Rynck, the spokesman for the EU transport commissioner, Jacques Barrot, said after a meeting of aviation experts from the EU's 25 member states.

In the future, "action should be taken in a coordinated way," De Rynck added.

The European Commission also wants EU members to give it the power to impose flight suspensions and bans throughout the Union. The member states have rejected such a move in the past.

Barrot said the EU had to be able to act in an organized way when banning flights.

"Europe cannot tolerate a badly coordinated approach among member states where a company is prohibited in one country and authorized in a neighboring country," he said.

The original decision by the Netherlands to ban Onur Air left thousands of Dutch vacationers stranded in Turkey and others casting about for alternative arrangements.

The unilateral actions caused confusion among air passengers as flights were directed to neighboring countries where the airline is still allowed to operate, such as Belgium.

Onur Air is primarily a budget domestic airline in Turkey, but it is also chartered to carry some of the millions of Europeans who vacation in Turkey during the summer.

To avoid future disruptions, all EU countries should step up inspections of Onur Air flights, the Commission said.

Members of the EU are moving toward stricter controls for foreign airlines that operate in their countries.

Last February the Commission disclosed plans to create a blacklist to publish the names of airlines that are banned by any EU member country.

The blacklist plan came after the crash of an Egyptian Flash Airlines jet into the Red Sea in 2004 that killed 148 people, mostly French tourists. The airline had been banned by Switzerland, which is not an EU member but works closely with the bloc.

BRUSSELS The European Union said Thursday that it would propose an emergency coordination procedure for airline safety so that European governments would not take unilateral action against airlines.

The proposal came after the Netherlands imposed a one-month ban on the Turkish charter airline Onur Air two weeks ago because of safety concerns, prompting similar bans at Swiss, French and German airports.

The countries agreed in principle to lift their bans on Tuesday after Onur Air said it would submit to additional safety inspections.

"We are going to set up an early warning system," Stefaan De Rynck, the spokesman for the EU transport commissioner, Jacques Barrot, said after a meeting of aviation experts from the EU's 25 member states.

In the future, "action should be taken in a coordinated way," De Rynck added.

The European Commission also wants EU members to give it the power to impose flight suspensions and bans throughout the Union. The member states have rejected such a move in the past.

Barrot said the EU had to be able to act in an organized way when banning flights.

"Europe cannot tolerate a badly coordinated approach among member states where a company is prohibited in one country and authorized in a neighboring country," he said.

The original decision by the Netherlands to ban Onur Air left thousands of Dutch vacationers stranded in Turkey and others casting about for alternative arrangements.

The unilateral actions caused confusion among air passengers as flights were directed to neighboring countries where the airline is still allowed to operate, such as Belgium.

Onur Air is primarily a budget domestic airline in Turkey, but it is also chartered to carry some of the millions of Europeans who vacation in Turkey during the summer.

To avoid future disruptions, all EU countries should step up inspections of Onur Air flights, the Commission said.

Members of the EU are moving toward stricter controls for foreign airlines that operate in their countries.

Last February the Commission disclosed plans to create a blacklist to publish the names of airlines that are banned by any EU member country.

The blacklist plan came after the crash of an Egyptian Flash Airlines jet into the Red Sea in 2004 that killed 148 people, mostly French tourists. The airline had been banned by Switzerland, which is not an EU member but works closely with the bloc.

BRUSSELS The European Union said Thursday that it would propose an emergency coordination procedure for airline safety so that European governments would not take unilateral action against airlines.

The proposal came after the Netherlands imposed a one-month ban on the Turkish charter airline Onur Air two weeks ago because of safety concerns, prompting similar bans at Swiss, French and German airports.

The countries agreed in principle to lift their bans on Tuesday after Onur Air said it would submit to additional safety inspections.

"We are going to set up an early warning system," Stefaan De Rynck, the spokesman for the EU transport commissioner, Jacques Barrot, said after a meeting of aviation experts from the EU's 25 member states.

In the future, "action should be taken in a coordinated way," De Rynck added.

The European Commission also wants EU members to give it the power to impose flight suspensions and bans throughout the Union. The member states have rejected such a move in the past.

Barrot said the EU had to be able to act in an organized way when banning flights.

"Europe cannot tolerate a badly coordinated approach among member states where a company is prohibited in one country and authorized in a neighboring country," he said.

The original decision by the Netherlands to ban Onur Air left thousands of Dutch vacationers stranded in Turkey and others casting about for alternative arrangements.

The unilateral actions caused confusion among air passengers as flights were directed to neighboring countries where the airline is still allowed to operate, such as Belgium.

Onur Air is primarily a budget domestic airline in Turkey, but it is also chartered to carry some of the millions of Europeans who vacation in Turkey during the summer.

To avoid future disruptions, all EU countries should step up inspections of Onur Air flights, the Commission said.

Members of the EU are moving toward stricter controls for foreign airlines that operate in their countries.

Last February the Commission disclosed plans to create a blacklist to publish the names of airlines that are banned by any EU member country.

The blacklist plan came after the crash of an Egyptian Flash Airlines jet into the Red Sea in 2004 that killed 148 people, mostly French tourists. The airline had been banned by Switzerland, which is not an EU member but works closely with the bloc
Kijk die advocaat kan zijn schadeclaim dus wel vergeten. De EU laat niet met sollen en zeker niet door door malafide maatschappijtjes. Dit wordt echt einde ONUR :twisted:


Re: Onur Air

Ongelezen bericht door Gast »

ja de waarheid en werkelijkheid is sommigen hard. de regelgeving gelukkig ook :wink:


Re: Onur Air

Ongelezen bericht door Gast »

Ik wil nog een toevoeging doen.Kijk ik ga met onur en mochten we het niet overleven volgens jou quote nou dan heb ik en de rest een geweldig leven gehad ,En hoe je het wend of keert,we gaan allemaal met de neus omhoog.Dat is voor iedereen gelijk.Maar je maakt mij niet bang!!Het kan met ele kist gebeuren,en het is maar net wanneer het je tijd is.


Re: Onur Air

Ongelezen bericht door Gast »

Ze maken mij heus ECHT NIET bang hoor! Wij stappen er gewoon in!
