Mocht Iams / Eukanuba echt spijt hebben van wat er is gebeurd dan had men dit vooraf kenbaar kunnen maken (bijv. via hun website)voordat de film werd getoond, daar heeft men immers maanden lang de tijd voor gehad!
Het is al tientallen keren voorbijgekomen, maar niemand leest het blijkbaar: ze hebben er al iets aan gedaan!!!.
Hier dan, een verslag van The American Society for the preventuion of Cruelty to Animals, van eerder dit jaar:
ASPCA Observations at Iams Contract Facility
The ASPCA recently participated in the inspection of an independent contract facility to be used by the Iams Company. The visit provided the ASPCA team with the opportunity to interview staff members and evaluate the well-being of the animals, the condition of the facility, the value of the data being collected, the standard operating procedures and the accreditation process at this facility. ASPCA evaluation indicated that with the addition of an Iams' representative on site, the facility is anticipated to meet the requirements stated in the Iams Company Research Policy. Specific observations as applied directly to the Iams Company Research Policy are listed below in bold.
The ASPCA has recommended that an unannounced site visit of an ongoing study of the ASPCA's choosing be conducted with representatives from Iams and the ASPCA.
The Iams Company Research Policy
Like humans, our canine and feline companions are faced with many threats to their health. Millions of cats and dogs around the world suffer from allergies, skin and gastrointestinal diseases, kidney failure and painful bone problems.
At the Iams Company, we work hard to advance scientific understanding of how nutrition can help pets resist and recover from such diseases, and how this understanding helps optimize their health so they can lead happier and longer lives. Research plays a key role in accomplishing these goals.
Our research is governed by the following principles.
1. The results must help veterinarians and pet owners worldwide nutritionally enhance the well-being of cats and dogs, and manage important pet health conditions.
ASPCA: The study was scheduled for implementation on the day of inspection and was designed to verify that the diet being fed would allow the animals to maintain normal health and body condition.
2. Studies will only be conducted if alternative, non-animal methods or existing research cannot answer the questions raised.
ASPCA: Current Association of American Feed Control Officials' (AAFCO) guidelines recommend maintenance studies to document that a diet ensures complete and balanced nutrition for maintenance of the adult dog.
3. We will ensure the humane treatment of cats and dogs, and provide for animal well-being, socialization and husbandry in a manner compatible with the company's philosophy, creating a total culture of care. We will also meet or exceed standards established by the Animal Welfare Act of the US, the US Department of Agriculture and Directive 86/609/EEC of the European Union.
ASPCA: The animals were healthy, alert and active.
The animals did not exhibit behaviors that would indicate high levels of stress.
Cats were not de-clawed, and the facility's policy prohibits this.
Dogs were not de-barked, and the facility's policy prohibits this.
Cats were housed in large rooms and were reported to have 4-5 hours out of their cages each day.
Cats were provided with substantial socialization and enrichment.
Dogs were housed in short-fenced runs and had platforms up off of the floor.
Dogs were provided with both human and canine socialization time.
All animal areas had floor heating.
Animal housing facilities were clean and spacious.
Animals were named.
Management encouraged bonding between staff and animals.
The facility was well lit with considerable natural light provided.
Animal facilities were light for twelve hours per day and dark for twelve hours per day.
A preventative health care plan was in place e.g. annual vaccination and dental prophylaxis.
Sick or injured animals were humanely treated by professional veterinary staff.
4. We will not fund or participate in any study requiring or resulting in the euthanasia of cats or dogs. We will only conduct research that is equivalent to nutritional or medical studies acceptable on people, including: urine, feces, blood and immune cell analysis, allergy tests, and skin and muscle biopsies, for which adequate anesthesia and analgesics will be provided whenever necessary.
ASPCA: Healthy animals are not euthanized at this closed facility.
Only minor procedures like blood sampling are performed.
The animals will not be placed into another study, that requires invasive surgical procedures or euthanasia, after the completion of an Iams' study.
5. Research will be closely monitored at internal and external facilities - with the goal being to eliminate even minor pain or discomfort and to create enriched environments for the cats and dogs involved. To enforce this principle, Iams will place, at these facilities, a company-designated and funded person responsible for ensuring the well being of cats and dogs. This trained, qualified person will follow guidelines used at the Paul F. Iams Technical Center to make certain that cats and dogs are properly cared for and socialized.
ASPCA: A company-designated and funded person was not currently in place.
6. We will test our foods on groups of cats or dogs within the general population who already suffer from target diseases or conditions. However, we will not contract for, nor conduct, any study involving surgeries to create or mimic diseases such as diabetes, stroke, heart disease, kidney disease, or intentional damage to other organs; nor will the company use non-surgical methods to induce or simulate diseases that are not acceptable in nutritional or medical research on humans; nor will the company fund any university positions that may be involved in such activities for the study of cat and dog nutrition.
ASPCA: No such invasive surgeries were taking place or would be required for the types of studies done at this facility.
7. We will not use, in any studies, animals that are already induced with disease or surgically altered through other research; nor will the company conduct such studies under the auspices of any industry association or group.
ASPCA: This facility does not induce disease or surgically alter animals for research.
8. Our findings will be communicated to benefit others who are seeking to improve the health and well-being of cats and dogs, and to help prevent repetition of tests requiring animal involvement.
ASPCA: The findings from studies done at this facility are designed to prove complete and balanced nutrition for specific products. The information from this type of study is generally presented on the product label.
We are proud that we have led breakthroughs in the health of cats and dogs, and we are committed to continuing this tradition with the principles outlined here as our guide.