Ook ik kreeg onderstaan mailtje op 28 oktober 2009. Op mijn ip adres zou ik usenext hebben gehad...ken het helemaal niet en de naam komt op mijn woonadres niet voor. Wat moet ik hier nu mee, want na diverse mailtjes na het incassobureau ben ik nog geen stap verder. Hoe nu?
Geachte heer Goyaerts,
betreft: Usenext / 5177262
Tot ons heeft zich gewend UseNeXT.com gevestigd te München, Duitsland. Zij verzochten ons de incasso van haar openstaande vordering op u ter hand te nemen. Deze vordering bestaat uit abonnementsgeld voor de toegang tot de UseNeXt nieuwsgroepen. U hebt zich hier op 27-12-2008 14:49 geregistreerd vanaf IP adres: met email! adres:
[email protected].
Tijdens het aanmeldproces bent u akkoord gegaan met de voorwaarden van UseNeXt. Zonder uw akkoord kan dit aanmeldproces niet succesvol worden afgerond. Volgens deze voorwaarden wordt de 14 dagen proefperiode automatisch verlengd indien u het contract niet opzegt. Meer informatie treft u in de bijlage en op de website van UseN! eXt:
Wij verzoeken u het totaal verschuldigde bedrag ad € 162,64 binnen 10 dagen na dagtekening bij te schrijven op onze derdenrekening: bankrekeningnummer ten name van ‘Stichting Beheer Derdengelden IPN’ onder vermelding van het betalingskenmerk: 12015836.
Buitengerechtelijke incassokosten
In mindering voldaan
Bij gebreke van ontvangst van dit volledige bedrag acht opdrachtgever zich vrij tot gerechtsmaatregelen over te gaan. De kosten van een gerechtelijke procedure zullen bij u in rekening worden gebracht.
Wilt u meer informatie of een reactie doorgeven?
Meer informatie over uw vordering kunt u vinden op de website
http://debiteur.incassopartners.nl . Hier kunt u ook uw reacties direct doorgeven aan de zaakbehandelaar. Op deze wijze kunnen wij u snel en goed van dienst zijn. Uw login gegevens zijn: loginnaam: 16432, wachtwoord: @plgt1!y
Incasso Partners Nederland Postbus 467 2300 AL Leiden telefoon (071) 5247070 fax (071) 5247071
[email protected] www.incassopartners.nl.
Incasso Partners Nederland
1. contractsbepalingen met betrekking tot de verlenging
When closing the contract each customer confirms to have read and accept the Terms & Conditions. In these T&C he is explicitly shown his responsibility of cancelling. The following text is shown during the sign-up process and must be accepted by ticking a respective box on the top of the text:
I am of legal age.
By sending this form I submit a binding offer. This offer is accepted (conclusion of the contract) when I receive an e-mail of confirmation.
The contract enables me to:
a) Test UseNeXT for the next 2 weeks and download up to 3 Gigabyte for free!.
b) Unless I cancel within the test period, or upgrade to a different subscription package, I agree to join for only $11.25*/7,95 Euro per month - for a period of 12 month and get access to 15 Gigabytes download volume for each month. I understand that I may cancel at any time, such that my subscription is not renewed upon expiry. I acknowledge that unless I wish for my account to be automatically renewed for a further service period, I must provide notice of my wish not to renew, at least one day before the end date of the current term.
I have read through the terms and conditions and agree to join UseNeXT subject to these terms.
Right of withdrawal: I can withdraw my declaration directed on the conclusion of the contract within two weeks in written form without giving any reasons (e.g. using the support form, post, fax or online in the member area). The time allowed starts at the earliest with the receipt of this indoctrination. To ensure the time allowed for your withdrawal the duly dispatch of your withdrawal is sufficient. The withdrawal must be sent to:
Aviteo Ltd.
Gainsborough House
Customer Care
81 Oxford Street
London W1D 2EU
Great Britain
Fax: +49-700-873639813
Please note that this number's prefix depends on the country you live in. A list of prefix codes can be found under "Support Hotline".
Support form:
Member area:
Exlusion of right of withdrawal: My right of withdrawal expires ahead of time if the execution of the service was started with my explicit approval or if I have started the execution myself (e.g. by downloading).
Effects of withdrawal: In case of an effective withdrawal both side's efforts have to be granted aback and incurred use (e.g. interests) has to be restored should the situation arise.
It is not possible to successfully close a contract without explicitly confirming and accepting these contract conditions.
During the trial period the customer can at all times send us his cancellation via support form, post or fax. Alternatively, he is able to directly cancel his account in his member area on
http://www.usenext.com. Cancellations via telephone will not be accepted; customers wanting to cancel on the phone are explicitly informed of the necessity of a written cancellation.
If a customer has left the trial period and moved on to a regular full package, a cancellation must have reached us 14 days before the end of the contract’s term at the latest. If no cancellation reaches us or if a cancellation has not reached us in due time, the contract will be extended by the current term into another currently selected package.
The right of withdrawal for regular contract extensions or preterm contract extension becomes nullified with the usage of the provided service by the customer. Since the offered contractual package is a service, it cannot be withdrawn once the service has been used. Consequently, the right of withdrawal will only be valid if the service has not been used, e.g. through performing a download. The period of withdrawal is 14 days from the day of contract conclusion (cf. §312 BGB – German Civil Code).
In addition to the regular cancellation details and withdrawal rights, customers are treated very obligingly when disagreeing with an unwanted contract extension. If a customer adamantly states that he does not want a selected package, he is granted a refund for the billed sum and the account was closed.
During his term the customer may upgrade his account into a different package. This change is not possible for long-term packages that have unused monthly packages left. In this case, the change is only possible if the customer is already using the last of his packages – he otherwise has to use up his remaining packages first.
If a customer orders a new package or upgrades into a new monthly package, any unused previous download volume is forfeited. This is explicitly stated when performing an upgrade.