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pc4everyone victims

Geplaatst: 03 mei 2011 19:33
door Valeria
I am also other victims from Pc4everyone.

I order to PC4 everyone an Apple Macbook Pro , Core Duo 2,2GHZ on 21 December 2010 for the amount of 756,50 incl BTW.

I will be very grateful if is someone can give me an orientation how the case is going up to the date , May 2011.

I order the products just few time before leave the country now I am back and I need to do what necessary to recover the money ,.

there is still any possibility to get to a lawyer all the victims together?

i just got this information to contact _ Gegevens van de curator
Mr J.J van Deventer
[email protected]
Dreef 22
2012HS Haarlem

thanks so much

Re: pc4everyone victims

Geplaatst: 17 mei 2011 14:09
door Guardian72
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